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Horse with the words 'Mailchimp Wrangling, for horse businesses'

Mailchimp Wrangling

Does the thought of Mailchimp send you into a spin?


Mailchimp Wrangling is here to save you!

  • I'll get you to fill in a quick form to help me understand a few things about how you work.

    We might jump on a quick zoom meeting to chat about it.

    Once we confirm the details and I have access, I'll get wrangling!

  • Setup

    Create your account (if you don’t already have one)

    Setup your audience

    Customise your signup form

    Create a campaign template

    Up to 4 Emails/Month

    Format your content into campaign templates, to be sent to your audience.

    Content to be supplied prior to the end of the previous month.

    Adhoc Emails

    No matter how well we plan, sometimes things come up.

    When this happens, I’ll drop everything (well, almost), and work with you, to get that extra or urgent email out.

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